Mes Enfants
A place for Fun and Learning
Baby Room
The baby room offers a warm, safe environment, where babies can play and explore. We cater for babies individual needs with a flexible routine. The babies will enjoy going for walks in our pushchairs, and also spending time in the garden in our astro turfed baby area.
Penguin Room
When children are ready to move on from the baby room, after a few visits they move onto the penguin room. They get to play with different resources and experience new things. The children regualry play in the garden as well.
Robin Room
We begin to introduce some structure to the childrens routine with adult led registration and story time in the morning. This will enable a smooth transisiton into the pre-school room. Children will enjoy playing inside as well as outside througouht the year.
Pre-school Room
In the pre-school room there is more structrue, and more adult led activities. This is to enable the children to prepare their transisition to school. They will accuire all the neccesary skills to adapt to school life, including self help, as well as social and communications skills.
We use Tapestry to record and share your child`s achivements and progress whilst in our care.